I need away to stop my addiction to food, even though I can only eat small amts, I still seem to want to eat all the time, Also I haven't had any problems w/sweets causing me to be sick or "dump" ! I'm stuck on a 46# wt ;oss for about a month now which is about 1/2 the wt I need to lose, am 5 mos post op.. any suggestions on how to stop myself from eating the wrong foods? I seem to crave chocolate alot!! Thanks
Many people sware (swear? LOL!) by protein. Focusing on protein helps you feel full longer, and if you can go strictly protein for a few days, then it can really help by not only curbing your cravings (which can often be triggered by carb eating) but if you can stay away from sweets for a while, you are more likely to find they WILL make you dump if you try again. It sounds like your weight loss isn't too far off, but you are wise to think about changing habits before it becomes a real problem. Another suggestion I've always been thankful for is journaling. Not just WHAT you ate - but why. Were you hungry? Bored? Upset? What was going on at that point? It can really be an eye opener. Let's see - make sure you are getting your fluids in, and finally - it might very well be worth your while to visit with a counselor to help identify behaviors that might lead to your grazing. Good luck!
Jerri, I've just started reading a book called "Life is Hard, Food is Easy" by Linda Spangle, RN, MA
I'm only on page eight, but I've already identified with many of her patients... You might check and see if the library has this book and check it out... it teaches you how to deal with your emotions without eatting them away... Under the title on the cover of the book it says "The 5-step Plan to Overcome Emontional Eating and Lose Weight on Any Diet" My aunt bought this for me even though I've had surgery and have been very successfull she thought it would help me with dealing with my emotions and triggers that cause me to want to eat when I'm not hungry or don't need to eat... Hope this helps some...

I completely understand. One hope I had doing this all would be to work through my emotional eating issues. Ha! Sometimes I have thought that they have gotten worse.
One suggestion I have received is to stop & think for a moment when you are about to eat something that the logical side of your brain knows is not the best for you. What do I really want? Why am I going to eat this.
I also started going to support groups to make myself realize that I am not alone in all of this. I am not sure where Cache is, but here in OKC, we have 2 seperate meetings each month. The next is Thursday night in Edmond.
We also have an online support group--- that you are more than welcome to join even if you are a litle farther away.
I am determined never to return to my pre op self. I have begun seeing a therapist to help me work through these issues. That was the 2nd best thing I ever did for myself.
Remember---we are all here with you in this journey!!!