My Intoduction
My name is Dan, I had Open RNY June 3rd 2003. I've been a frequent visitor of this site nearly a year before actually having the surgery. However, I have never visited the message boards until now. Prior to having surgery and the first 6 months afterwards I was a regular for the most part in the chat room. That seemed to die down as I began to regain my energy level, go figure. Lately though I have been popping my head in there from time to time and thought I would do the same here. WLS has been good to me, and I have not had a single complication in any way. As the title of this post states, this is my self introduction. Hello to all!

Hey Dan,
Welcome to the site.
I, just like you,
Was a passive reader or "lurker" at this site
For over a year before I ever posted.
It's good to see other Guys out here.
We make up the small minority of
People having this surgery, But tend to have
Some of the best results of reaching our goals.
This has to do with our Male physiology,
Not will power.
I think the women have us beat there.
I was at nearly 11months pops-op before I "subscribed."
The Local State boards are great for finding
Area specific info,
But also check out the Main Message Board.
Lot of great folks out there with a lot of experience.
Glad to have you posting-
Best Wishes-