Pulminologist Appointment
I went to the Pulminololgist yesterday, he's the one that saw me in the hospital in March (see profile). Anyway I've been having trouble with my left lung ever since the end of March. I've been seeing my PCP for it, she thought it was asthma. So I finally had had enough and said I want a referral back to the Pulminologist. So I see him yesterday, guess what? The fluid I had in the space between my lung and my diaphragm in March, is still there!!! What he left after the draining of the plueral effusion has never been reabsorbed by my body. Absolutely no change between my March X-rays and my X-rays last week, and all the ones in-between!! How's that for consistency!?
So here's the great thing....there's nothing he can do, the amount of fluid that is left is too small and moves too easily for him to tap it again. GREAT!! So now I must simply live with this fickle left lung of mine...which at any moment decides to double me over in pain...decides I don't really need to breathe on the left side... and it rattles constantly. He said in 6 months time if it hasn't reabsorbed it's not going to...this is something I'll have to deal with from now on...
Just another bump in the road...
Happy thoughts,
-74 pounds