I'm Home!!!!
Hi, I left the hospital at 8:30 this morning and was home by 11:00.
I'm tired, sore and can you believe---I have to give myself the bloodthinning medication shots!?!
Guess I should have checked that part out a little better. Keeping everything down so far, not trying much new yet, just the liquids and soft eggs. Tomorrow I'll try some of the supplements.
Thanks for all the prayers. I'll try to check back in tomorrow. I'm going to catch some
now. Thanks guys,

Hi Crysti,
I asked the nurses about you but they wouldn't say anything. Told them I had met you on obesity help but they may have been prevented by confidentiality!?! Anyway, I wasn't feeling well enough to socialize a lot. I felt pretty good but was kind've self-focused. I am feeling better everyday. The shots are not bad. Like Kenny said, we really don't have many nerves in our stomach and this morning it didn't hurt at all.
I was hoping that everything went well for you. I am down 11 pounds from what I weighed getting home from the hospital. I weighed 259.5 at Dr. Floyd's office on the 27th of July, I weighed 266 last Thursday at Dr.Grode's office, weighed 260 before leaving for the hospital on the 13th and weighed 264 on the 15th when I got home. As of a couple of minutes ago, I weighed 253. I am on level 2 of the diet. Nothing beyond that. I also got liquid lortab. I was actually taking the tablets whole and the nurse told me that it was "okay". read a few notes posted concerning pills "blocking" the track and called Kenny. He called and got the liquid, but only 8 doses more. If I was using the tabs I would have about 6 days more.
Anyway, That's it for now. Let me know how you are doing. Start a new thread!!!!!
See ya,
I had major blood pressure problems everytime i walked and had to keep oxygen on until just before i got discharged sunday so I didn't feel like visiting much. Dr. Floyd asked me if i knew you and i said yes that they could talk to you.
I am STILL losing weight I gained in the hospital. My legs are still swollen among other parts of my body. Some of the swelling went down last nite (after the BM'****) but i can't wiat for it to all go away.
I responded to your other thread but wanted to clear this one up here.