Dr. Floyd's Office-Kenny
Just in case Dr. Floyd's office looks---I want to say how helpful Kenny has been through this process. He has been very kind taking my calls and getting everything processed.
Also to Tom---you're the greatest. Kenny called me tonight and said you had gotten me squeezed in with the Pulm. doc. Thanks so much.
Let's hear it for the staff!!!! They really can make the doctor look good or the other way. In my case, they've been great.
Hopefully, you all will see me doing this very soon

God bless you all,
Teresa Mc

I can't say enough about Kenny. I think the best thing about him is the fact that he doesn't seem to mind when I call him up once or twice a week to check in and find out where we are at, or what is next. He is a real trooper, and I finally met him face to face today after talking to him on the phone probably 30 times. All of the office staff is wonderful and Dr. Floyd is very proffessional, but laid back at the same time.
Kenny is the best!! But, I honestly have to say I am not happy about the fact that Dr Floyd is in with Dr Pearce now. I don't know who answered the phone to make my follow up appt, but she sounded nearly annoyed that I called, and I'll tell you, after talking to Kenny, and having him pretty much know me by my voice, (it's distinctive), talking to this woman was not fun. I felt like a stranger, and one who was imposing on her, no less.
However, I still would not have wanted anyone to do my surgery except Dr Floyd, and I still think he and his staff are the best.