Im just tired of it......:(
Im just tired of being overweight....I've been trying to get the boys ready to start school the week after my surgery, and get my house a bit more in order...this is a busy time of year for mom. But, im telling you....lugging around all of this extra weight trying to get ANYTHING done is really starting to get to me....ive spent all day in tears today!! I AM JUST SICK AND TIRED OF BEING OVERWEIGHT!!!!!
no matter what happens, Im thankful that I was finally approved for this surgery. I just dont think my body could handle much more of this. And mentally? dont think I could handle much more either. I work 3 times harder than the average person to do the most mundane tasks!! its hard!!! im so tired and worn out !!! really having a day!!!!! just really need to vent to people i know will understand.....I HATE BEING OVERWEIGHT REALLY BAD RIGHT NOW!!!!! please let these next 10 days go by swiftly........

Traci - BOY OH BOY do I understand! And I don't even hafta get my young'un ready for school! I pray that your ten days and my umm.. 12? or 13? days will fly by.. and that everything will go smoothly!! Email me if ya wanna talk! -Got company stayin the night. Going to the zoo tomorrow for the 100th Birthday celebration! Talk with ya soon!

Hang in there. I was to that point where you are too. It is amazing that doing something positive for yourself will change your life. I have 3 boys and use to dread the day. Now I a happy every morning and enjoy my days even the bad ones.
We are all here for you. Feel free to email me privatly if you need anything.
I'm with ya girl!!!! Sometimes i just get worn out thinking about what i have to do - before i lift a finger cause I know it will put me back in bed. But - on the up side for both of us - surgery is close and so is a new healthier life. I am trying to concentrate more on that than on the things that I may or may not get completed pre-op. I have lists on lists and have finally decided that it may not all get done and that's ok because as i lose more and more weight post-op I will be able to do more and more.
You all are just the best...
thanks so much for your nice replies!!! man, I just want this surgery OVER with~!!! (then, ya'all can hear me whine about "the surgery this, the surgery that!!") rofl!! HUUggZZz to each and every one of you!
I have a home medic foot massager/foot bath i got for christmas a few years ago that ive NEVER used, I just remembered i had it!!
(i know...dont go there!! loooll) im gonna get it out tonite after i put the boys in bed, it has different foot massage attachments ahhhhhhhhh