Worn plum out!!!!
Day started at 8 am and is finally over i'm getting ready for a nap but got a lot accomplished. My son is almost 100% ready for college got all the odds and ends finished today even bought books, i'm pre-admitted to the hospital, met with Dr. Floyd and Dr. Cole. Completely cleared for surgery with only added note that i have a narrowed airway. I'm very releaved and exhausted --- gonna sleep for a while now but at least my to-do list is much much shorter now.
I have finally adjusted to Tyler going to college now the big one my baby girl is going to be a senior. I tried not to send her to kindegarten because I didn't want her to grow up - i cried for 2 days literally when she started school. Now she's almost done - I can't believe it the time goes by SOOOO fast.
Your kids are spaced out like my sisters - 17 in november, 12 and 4 - my son loves to remind her that he will be married and his first born will be in 3rd grade (provide his life plan works - ya he has it all figured out except for the wife part - doesn't know who she will be yet) when Logan, the baby graduates. She gets soooo mad at him. We are a sick and twisted family - I inherited it so did my kiddos.
Heather met them at the pre-surgery class and they were on their BEST behavior - I was soooo proud - sometimes it's scary taking them out in public because they are both gifted in sarcasm and smart a$$es - come by it naturally.