HEY post ops!!! What kind of vitamins etc...do you take????
Chromagen is Iron, an enormous horse pill and only iron no other vitamins in it at all. I don't know what Chromagen has to do with hair loss
but it definitely makes me feel better.
I take a hair and nail multivitamin. I choose it because the levels of the essentials were slightly higher than the others I was considering. I take Flax oil, Calcium CITRATE, Mullein and NATURE's WAY Garden Veggies and Orchard Fruits (a lower cost version of Juice Plus). Of course as new posties you won't be able to take pills like these until about 3 months out.
If you have questions let me know.
Happy thoughts,
-69 pounds
-68 inches

That was one of my questions. I saw the add in with the info from Pearce and Floyd. I went to Akins and I think they have something similar. I also am interested in what hair/nail multivitamin you take, Virginia. I already have thin hair and am concerned about the hair loss. I've heard that I should take: Folic Acid, drink liquid jello, take prenate vitamins, etc.
I've taken Chromagen when I was pregnant with my first two daughters and it is huge!!!!
What about liquid vitamin/mineral supplements? I don't want a lot of advertisements sent to me, but I would like to know what some of you out there have taken.
Thanks much,
Until you can take pills post, the most important thing is to GET your vitamins in everyday, any way you can. Whether that be Vitaball, Gummy Bear or Gummy Worm Vitamins, there's a new Chocolate Malt Vitamin out. Get them any way you can stomach. Unfortunately you won't know what you can tolerate until after the surgery. I HATED childrens chewables prior to surgery and gagged on them post-op. So that was not a good move for me. I've heard the Gummy Bear and Gummy Worm Vitamins taste just like the real thing. Since I can take pills I haven't tried them.
Calcium for the first three months will probably have to be Calcium Carbonate in either Viactive or Tums.
B-12 you can get sublingual from the Health Food Store on I-240 and Penn.
Let me know if you have other questions.
Happy thoughts,

I took the Juice Plus at first, opened up the capsules and put them in my protein drinks -- I guess it was all ok, BUT I was having restless leg syndrome, which I was told was a magnesium deficiency. I order some vitamins from VITALADY.com. I got the calcium citrate with magnesium, I got the chewable multi-vitamin, and I got the Tender Iron (easy on the tummy, small pill, non constipating). All of these, for the quality at was shipped (about a years worth), was cheaper than I could have purchased them at Walgreen.
~ Anony Mous

List of vitamins I take everyday:
4 Optisource I get them here http://www.walgreens.com/store/product.jhtml?id=prod403359&CATID=301120&navAction=push&navCount=0
2 Tums for extra calcium
1 Iron Pill http://www.walgreens.com/store/product.jhtml?id=prod373277&CATID=100164&navAction=push&navCount=3
B12 sublingual http://www.walgreens.com/store/product.jhtml?id=prod393815&CATID=100142&navAction=push&navCount=4
I take the iron , the B12 and 1 vitamin first thing in the morning
then later I take another vitamin midmorning
then later a vitamin and tums at lunch
then later a vitamin and tums at dinner
Right before and to about a year after surgery I took a Flintstone, folic acid, biotin and Hair. I bought calcium, and still have it (oops). I added the B-12 shot after surgery...Now I take the Flintstone chewable (with iron) about 4 days a week, the B-12 shot when my angel calls and says "hello...You are WAY past three weeks" and keep intending to take the calcium...I don't mean to sound flippant about the calcium, I can't for the life of me figure out why I seemingly cannot incorporate that into my daily routine! I honestly tried the juice plus, but I burped that nasty taste for hours afterward. NO THANK YOU! I kept some, and tried it every few months or so with the same result and finally gave it all away. I even tried the kids chewables and still had horrid belches. Not worth it. I do keep up with my bloodwork, and so far so good, but I am barely bypassed at 45 cm and seem to be absorbing what I need rather well.
I like the "lil Critters" gummi bear vitamins. I take 3 a day and do just fine. I was a little low on iron so I take an Iron supplement but all the other levels came out great. I just had lab done at 7 months.
You can get the vitamins at walmart. They are pretty cheap $6 for 120.
Hope this helps.