Who has had the ultrasound of the leg??
K...im going in next tuesday for the leg thingy to check for blood clots....what kind of clothes should i wear? hubby just sez to be sure and not wear holey underwear
lots of help he is
!! roflmbo!!!!! is it like the ultrasound they do when ur preggers (but on the leg of course...think i got that! lollll) ??? do they just put a gown on ya?? as you can see, I HATE HATE going to doctors and stuff.......OMGOSH IM HAVING SURGERY ON THE 16TH!!! WOOOOOO!!! k...just had to get that out again!! lol

I had it the other day .... strip from waist down but can keep the undies on they put the goop on the doppler (hers wasn't warmed but the heart ultrasound lady had hers warmed) and they run it down the vein from your groin to your ankle on one leg, flip the towel and then do the other. There is some light pressure - they have to make the vein collapse and watch it bounce back, but it doesn't hurt. This one is cake!
ROFL my undies did have a hole in them
... my leg ultrasound was not orignally scheduled they sprang it on my. And, of course i had on the undies where the elastic was pulled away from the material. At least the lady that did it was very nice, covered me with a sheet and towel and if she noticed she covered very well.

hey traci, you dont have to worry about the leg thingy, it is very simple, they just give you a sheet and as someone else stated they have you strip your lower extremities except undies, and you actually get to relax, that was the first time in a long time i was in a room by myself with out a kiddo hollering mom,,,,,,,,,,your big day will be here soon,,, have you met with dr. cole yet the pulmonologist? he is nice, but just have hubby in the exam room with you. and thats all i am going to say, dont want anyone to accuse me of slandering him, lol.....he doesnt have a nurse present when he does his exams and it is a very hands on exam,,,so like i said have hubby in the room with ya. i didnt and neither did my friend janie, and we both felt akward with out a nurse present during the exam. but thats just us.....lol... good luck and god bless you.
Thanks peggy!! ya, i already had my visit with cole. He really needs to have a nurse in there with him. I wansnt super uncomfortable, and if i would have had to have had a gown on i would have asked for his nurse to come back in. I liked him alot; he seems to be a very good doctor and extremely knowledgable but i know what ur talking about. I didnt have anyone with me. Crysti, I didnt wear a gown or anything it was more a matter of moving the clothes around and all. thanks again for the info on the ultrasound....sounds like one of the easier ones!! woo hoo!!!