5 Month Anniversary - Monday
Hey folks,
Monday was my 5 month Anniversary and I'm down 69 pounds and 68 inches. Check my profile I have a current composite picture posted.It hasn't been fun but it has been interesting and I do like the results so far.
TAZ! (my pouch) is still pretty much strictly a carnivore and hates carbs!!
I'm the self proclaimed Queen of Dumping! Not something I'm proud of, but my reality. I can dump on just about anything and have become very afraid of trying any thing new. What I ate 2 days ago, I eat today and it makes me dump. But, thankfully TAZ! still loves snow crab legs (my favorite food) and I have them as often as I can afford. Thus far, TAZ! has made an exception to the dumping routine and has never dumped on my beloved crab legs!!!
I used to love raw vegetables of all kinds, but TAZ! is not a fan. If I try to sneak some in with my meat TAZ! gets fussy.
Oh well the price we pay to be lighter on our feet....
Happy thoughts,

congrats virginia!!!!
OMGOSH im laughing at the "name" for your pouch..you just KNOW that i need to have the inside scoop on that now!!! what does it stand for? especially with the exclamation point!!!! (i know...curiosity killed the cat, but i cant HELP it!! lol)
LOVE your timeline pics!!
wow!! you look great!!!!!!
okay...dont hate me and think im a dingbat
..... but....geez, what if i DONT dumPPPPPPP???? omgosh!!!! .....that kinda worries me; not enough to lose sleep over, but it kinda does worry me....just a pre op thought...looolll!!!! I KNOW i dont want it like you have it though...no thanks.... did you wonder though before your surgery??

My doc so assured me that 'almost everyone' dumps that I just took it as gospel. Of course the first couple of times it happened I was just sure it wasn't dumping because I didn't throw-up. Now months down the road I realize that it is now a physical impossibility for me to throw-up. That 's definitely not true for the majority, but there are a few of us out there that post-op can no longer vomit. Nice huh?? But I can dry heave with the best of them. I go through all of the motions, just don't get any pay-off so to speak.
TAZ! got his name from the Looney Tunes character. It's in all caps because he's alway screaming at me, for one indiscretion or another. Cranky and ill-tempered, that's my TAZ! My husband even refers to him as 'him' as if he's a third person in our relationship. Yes TAZ! has his own unique personality!! TAZ! even controls the way my DH drives!! If TAZ! is full, and DH gets busy on the brake or the gas pedal TAZ! gets ticked off and makes me dump. Nice guy my TAZ!
This is probably a lot more info than you wanted, but you said you wanted the scoop....