cottage cheese slider food
I hope someone can let me know about low fat cottage cheese, is it considered a slider food? I would think it would be alright because it is low in calories and high in protein. Can someone enlighten me I am a weight wise patient and I forgot to ask last week when I was in the office. I do eat cottage cheese quite frequently as it is easy on the stomach.
I understand that cottage cheese is a slider food because it goes out of the stomach quickly. If it had not been for cottage cheese in the beginning I don't know what I would have done. I do not even like cottage cheese, but that was what I could tolerate best. I have probably eaten 150 containers of cottage cheese since Feb. 09. I have lost a total of 90 pounds, but I would like to get the last 20 pounds off. I have talked to a few people since my last post, and they tell me that it is a slider food.
It was a life saver for me in the early months and I still use it as a quick protien boost to my day. It has always been on the WLS lists I have seen. Eating to much yes it can be a slider food. Anything that goes through quickly is, but that does not mean that its not good for you. The main issue is watching the serving size you can eat at once.
My WW Dietitian told me that I could eat cottage cheese. I purchase it at Sams Club in the 3 pound tubs for just under $5. I go through about 2 1/2 tubs a month. Yes, that's a LOT of cottage cheese! 
I eat in plain, with salt and pepper, with no sugar added fruit, etc. Sometimes I try to use a bunch of it and make a healthy no pasta lasagna or a healthy Mexican casserole. I wouldn't know what to do without cottage cheese. It's my "go to" food that I make sure to always have on hand. In fact, I usually end up putting a few small spoonfuls in a little (kiddie) container for my lunch at work. Cottage cheese keeps me full and satisfied for hours. I haven't had any problems, but I'm sure everybody is different.

I eat in plain, with salt and pepper, with no sugar added fruit, etc. Sometimes I try to use a bunch of it and make a healthy no pasta lasagna or a healthy Mexican casserole. I wouldn't know what to do without cottage cheese. It's my "go to" food that I make sure to always have on hand. In fact, I usually end up putting a few small spoonfuls in a little (kiddie) container for my lunch at work. Cottage cheese keeps me full and satisfied for hours. I haven't had any problems, but I'm sure everybody is different.