Plastic Surgery...
Hey there party people.....its been a year...I'm down 125 pounds...Im sick of this skin! Its not shrinking anymore. Any thoughts, help, direction I should go? Price thoughts, scar stories?? I need any and all help. I cant find and guys that have had it done on the net...thought there may be some in here...thanks
So what do you know about the tummy tuck?? Have you seen any males that have had it done? Whats the scaring look like? Who are the well recommended docs in the state? I have a thousand questions....I think everything else is ok its just my belly....the more i work at the rest of my body it seems the worse that area stands out! I'm 33...i was hoping i was still young enough that it would play along and go back to where its supposed to be..wishful thinking...
At one of the weight wise support groups a guy from the panhandle stopped by because his wife was having a surgery at the hospital. He looked great and I remember wondering what he was doing in our meeting. Then he stood up and showed us his 360 tummy tuck! He had lost a ton of weight and looked fantastic. That is what I need and it will be about $13,000.
190 lbs lost
VSG 07/2008
lower body lift 10/2010
upper body lift 11/2011
Don't forget Dr. Suwan. He's head of plastics at OU Health Sciences Center. Supposed to be real good.
I'm shooting for a year from now. I hate all this droopy skin. I told Dr. Walton that my tummy looks like a sharpei's butt. I never realized the problem all this extra skin could be. It's quite frustrating at times!
I'm shooting for a year from now. I hate all this droopy skin. I told Dr. Walton that my tummy looks like a sharpei's butt. I never realized the problem all this extra skin could be. It's quite frustrating at times!
I have been to 2 consults with 2 different plastic surgeons in OKC and so far both estimates are within a few hundred dollars of eachother. For the TT & Brachioplasty & some lipo it is going to cost right at 13K. I have one more consult next week before I make a final decision on who is getting my money and the opportunity to hack off this flappy apron of skin I have been carrying around since I was 16 yrs old. I am lucky in that I have a surprise windfall coming my way on April 24th and will be able to pay cash for my plastics. I was told that Tricare would pay for some things if they are medically necessary, but I am not going to wait on them to decide if they will pay.

I MY RNY 5-5-09
Life is Good