Is it me???
I will say that the only thing that is taboo for me is soda. I can and will take a bite of something if I want it, they key is moderation and knowing the limits. I have learned to listen to my body and I avoid the things that I know will make me sick.
Eventhought I have had a RNY, I lead a "normal" life and enjoy things like before, but not in the amounts like before.

I MY RNY 5-5-09
Life is Good
When I knew I was setting my mind to this and was preparing to go through all the seminars and appts and the like, I was bound and determined to DO THIS RIGHT. I was going to maximize the 'honeymoon period'. I stopped indulging in Diet Coke about a year prior to surgery. That was the easiest part of my prep--stopping carbonation.
I only had to lose 12# preop and had about 2 months to do it. I did exactly everything my nutritionist told me to do to lose the 12# and I did lose about 1/2 of it but the remainder had to be gone quicker than I had time, so she switched things around and I lost it all plus 2# more. I kept telling myself that if our soldiers could go to war for us and do without things such as food and water and sunglasses and eyedrops and sunscreen and lip balm...dammit, I could do without CRAP to eat for however long it took to succeed at this!
So yes, you will 'think' you want the crappy stuff and occasionally you should have something (in my opinion) to remind yourself that A) you're doing this on your own free will and B) it wasn't as good as we remembered it to be and C) yes, you WILL live without it.
But take it from a semi-newbie, JUST DO THE PROGRAM. Take advantage of losing weight as quickly as possible if you do things right. There won't be ANYTHING you can't have eventually, and you will find that losing weight and gaining self esteem is WAYYYY better than any food that ever passed your lips.
So pull up your big girl panties and get on this ride!
The day I got home from surgery I was wondering what the hell I had done to my body!! You can ask Kim. hehe I just KNEW I had made a mistake. I could NEVER have those yummy bad for me foods again! It was HORRIBLE! My mom was VERY worried about me! hehe
It passed, and I look at it MUCH differently. This is about choosing life and a HEALTHY life so that I have a healthy body that won't be ravaged by carrying around over 100 extra pounds of weight and wearing out my knees, hips, and back. I won't have adult onset diabetes and high blood pressure from weight (might have it from genetics which SUCKS! hehe).
So when I look at food now. I ask myself. "Do I want to be healthy and have a healthy body and life,or do I want that junk that will make me dependent on medications forever?" It's getting to be an easier and easier choice for me.
I will say that I can't have processed white flour or sugar products. They are the devil for me and they instantly turn into fat and hang around for YEARS. hehe
It's about a healthy eating and life. If you think of it as a diet, then I really think you are setting yourself up to fail. It's not a diet, it's a way of life.
I have also been exercising from day one. Even though it was simply walking for a few minutes at a time. Now I'm doing a jog/walk program three days a week along with walking my dog nightly.
Forget the past and let go of it. If you screw up, let it go! Move on and do better today. Focus on what you can and WILL do today that enables you to get healthy, happy, and energized.
Best wishes sweety and blessing prayers to you!
*big supportive hugs*
You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. ~Michael Jordan
My Goals:
3) 170lbs
4) Run 5K
"Unneeded food is not any less wasted in a body that doesnt need it, than it is in the trash." ~Brandilynn
"Those that will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." ~William Penn


I've given into them a few times and always with the same result. The things that I REALLY wanted...the things I was obsessing about....just didn't taste the same. I tried them and after a bite or a sip I tossed them out.
Prior to WLS I would drink a couple of Starbucks Frapps a day....the 12oz ones in the glass bottles. Opened one a couple of weeks ago and took 2 tiny sips. YUCK....they just tasted gross. Same thing happened Tues, the hubby and I stopped at Johnny's for a burger. I'd been craving a Theta with pre-WLS fav. I took 3 or 4 small bites of the meat and cheese but it just wasn't the same.
For me personally the more I fight the cravings the stronger they seem to come back. But once I try a little they no longer are an obsession.
I'm not recommending this to anyone else....just relating my own experiences.
Yep, the "cravings" were especially bad for me in the first few weeks after my surgery. Head hunger really got me!
I would agree with Debbie....things dont taste the same after surgery as before. Our tastebuds do change...but it takes a while to let our brain catch up with what our body is telling us.
Hang in there....most of us do go through exactly what you are describing. Just stick to your program and you will do well.