First Time
I went my first support meeting last Thursday @ Weightwise in Edmond and even though I didnt have much to say it was a very positive experience. It was nice to meet everyone and listen to your experiences. I am 8lbs away from goal for sugery and go back to Dr B. in 2 weeks for a follow up and hopefully set a sugery date. Wish me luck!
Congratulations on making the choice.
This can change your life, but it won't solve your problems. By now you've probably met with the psychologist and heard something similar. I love the way I'm feeling and I feel better every day. However, annoying people haven't improved. My attitude seems better, though.
I had a sleeve 10/21/09. It's great.
This can change your life, but it won't solve your problems. By now you've probably met with the psychologist and heard something similar. I love the way I'm feeling and I feel better every day. However, annoying people haven't improved. My attitude seems better, though.
I had a sleeve 10/21/09. It's great.