Need help please from Ok or TriCare ladies.
To make a long story short I had my PCM put a refferal into Tricare so I could see Dr. Warnock in Wichita Falls, Tx. I checked online today and I was approved to go ahead BUT to Ft Sill Army Base. I have heard negative things about them several months ago and now I am so upset. I had really wanted to go to Wichita Falls but now that is not an option. I know I should be thankful that I got approved for an evaluation. I am scared now as I have heard nothing good about the Ft .Sill docs doing the Lap Band.
Is there anyone out there that can tell me they have had a great experience or I am going to have to walk away. I have wanted this for so long and now I just want to bawl!
Thank You!!
I love my Surgeon at Reynolds and I would recomend him and his staff to anyone.
I am kind of curious why they won't let you go to the falls, there are several people I know who are on Tri~Care who use Dr Warnock. I would call the Tri~Care office at Reynolds and ask them if you can have that referal to Dr Warnock. I have had good luck with then in changing referals for me in the past. It is worth a shot!
Good Luck
I MY RNY 5-5-09
Life is Good