Quick Update
Ok I got my internet fixed intime for my computer to die so I am not sure how much I will be on till it comes back from the shop. But I wanted to give a quick update on me. I went for 3 weeks with a bouncing scale but no real downward movement but all caught up with me this week and I dropped several. Not real; sure what since it has been bouncing up and down but this morning I weighed in at 230lbs which is 177 pounds lighter than I was when I started this journey well the highest actual known weight I think I was actually heavier at one point. But you guys said so many time sto hold on to my hat it was a wild ride and has it ever been. Thank You all for your supposrt all these months and I miss you all more than you will know. Yeah I need your support I have found myself slipping the longer I am without you and am trying really hard to get back on track. I have added back in an extra shake in teh afternoon because I dont want to eat in this heat. Hope to be back with you all soon.