John - funny you mention the sweatshirt in your office - I have to do the same because I can't stand the AC. These people here at work think I am seriously weird!!
I'm Lovin Summer! I used to be so hot all the time. Not anymore! I don't mind the heat like I did 72 lbs ago!
Isn't it a nice change!!!
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me." Erma Bombeck 19 lbs lost before surgery 9/3/09 Full TT, MR, BL, BA, Arm Reduction and Lipo 10-12 lbs skin/fat removed
AWESOME!!!! Something ELSE to look forward to! I can NOT stand this heat and it makes everything I do that much more of a challenge. I can't imagine being the cold one! It will be AMAZING!!!
48lbs lost PRE-OP - LBL on 3/24/2011 -- 11lbs of skin removed!