Strange question I have never seen on here.
This is a strange thing that is happening to me and I just wanted to know if it has happened to anyone else. When ever I get a craving for something sweet I chew a piece of gum. Well ever since I have lost all the weight I find myself biting the inside of my mouth, this only happens when I chew gum. It is painful and the inside of my mouth is starting to look like raw hamburger meat. I am even considering giving up gum forever. Has anyone else had this experience? or am I just odd? Lisa
Well.....I guess we will just have to be odd together because I have notic4ed the same thing a lot lately. As a matter of fact, I bit it sooo hard last night I thought I might cry! As crazy as it sounds you almost have to be careful when you chew gum. I just did it again! Now that might have been psychological but it hurt like Hell!