One year ago...
Hi, Everyone.
I'm finding myself reflecting over the past year. One year ago today, I went to the local hospital emergency room and was admitted. I was carrying over 40 lbs. of fluid, I weighed 383 lbs. (if I recall), I had cellulitis on both my legs, my blood pressure was stroke level, and I felt like I was dying. I was.
I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, and at the end of the week, when my doctor released me, he said that if I hadn't come in, I probably would have died.
It was during that hospital stay that I finally said to God, "If you open the door to weight-loss surgery, I'll walk through it." He did, and I did, and here I am, one year later, and 7 mths. out of WLS, feeling SO MUCH better.
I had almost forgotten that it has been a year, but while looking through a notebook, I found letters I'd written to my husband, each of our 4 children, and our grandchildren. They were dated June 7th, 2008, and they were what I felt would be my last words. I just seemed to know that I wasn't going to live much longer, and I wanted to express my love for each of my family. Plus, I always have to get in the last word! ;)
I just wanted to share that I'm grateful to be alive, and I praise God for how far He's brought me. I appreciate all of you for the support you've given to me since I signed on here, last August.
I'm finding myself reflecting over the past year. One year ago today, I went to the local hospital emergency room and was admitted. I was carrying over 40 lbs. of fluid, I weighed 383 lbs. (if I recall), I had cellulitis on both my legs, my blood pressure was stroke level, and I felt like I was dying. I was.
I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, and at the end of the week, when my doctor released me, he said that if I hadn't come in, I probably would have died.
It was during that hospital stay that I finally said to God, "If you open the door to weight-loss surgery, I'll walk through it." He did, and I did, and here I am, one year later, and 7 mths. out of WLS, feeling SO MUCH better.
I had almost forgotten that it has been a year, but while looking through a notebook, I found letters I'd written to my husband, each of our 4 children, and our grandchildren. They were dated June 7th, 2008, and they were what I felt would be my last words. I just seemed to know that I wasn't going to live much longer, and I wanted to express my love for each of my family. Plus, I always have to get in the last word! ;)
I just wanted to share that I'm grateful to be alive, and I praise God for how far He's brought me. I appreciate all of you for the support you've given to me since I signed on here, last August.
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
Hi, Debra.
Your analogy of comparing obesity to a prison is so right on. A prison of our own choosing, but a prison nonetheless. How wonderful, though, that we chose, also, to pick up the key and unlock the door. :)
Your analogy of comparing obesity to a prison is so right on. A prison of our own choosing, but a prison nonetheless. How wonderful, though, that we chose, also, to pick up the key and unlock the door. :)
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
I'm so happy for you Mary! Life is good even the second time around. I give God thanks for all that He has done for me in this journey. I know we will complete the journey one day too! I know that for a lot of folks though the prison of obesity is not of their own choosing. Most of us have dieted for a lifetime and without the tool we now have were never successful. I can't even imagine ever choosing to be in the obesity prison. I am so thankful though that I was blessed and fortunate enough to be able to finally finance my surgery. Without my new tool I would still be a prisoner in my own body.
I am so glad that God wasn't finished with you yet. You have such an awesome ministry with all that you do. You speak to my heart so often and I know to others as well. Thank you for that my friend!!!
I am so glad that God wasn't finished with you yet. You have such an awesome ministry with all that you do. You speak to my heart so often and I know to others as well. Thank you for that my friend!!!
Hi, Debbie.
I know what you mean about that, for many, obesity is a prison they didn't choose. Yet, if you think about it, it is a choice, howbeit an unconcscious one. Whenever we choose to stuff down our emotions, rather than face them and deal with them, that is a choice, and it builds a prison from that choice. I would have been the first to say, "I didn't choose to be obese," but, if pressed, I would have had to admit, "I also didn't choose to do whatever it took to take care of the core issues that set the stage for my obesity."
My surgery has been an amazing help and used of the Lord in my life and body, but I know that if I do not continue to work on old habits and any remaining "issues," I will be one of those who "gain" their prison, once more. I can only speak for myself, but I know that to be true.'s a daily, moment by moment choice for me and may always be so. I pray that I'm up for the task.
Thank you for all your support, and I hope to see you, in person, soon. I'm working on it. :)
I know what you mean about that, for many, obesity is a prison they didn't choose. Yet, if you think about it, it is a choice, howbeit an unconcscious one. Whenever we choose to stuff down our emotions, rather than face them and deal with them, that is a choice, and it builds a prison from that choice. I would have been the first to say, "I didn't choose to be obese," but, if pressed, I would have had to admit, "I also didn't choose to do whatever it took to take care of the core issues that set the stage for my obesity."
My surgery has been an amazing help and used of the Lord in my life and body, but I know that if I do not continue to work on old habits and any remaining "issues," I will be one of those who "gain" their prison, once more. I can only speak for myself, but I know that to be true.'s a daily, moment by moment choice for me and may always be so. I pray that I'm up for the task.
Thank you for all your support, and I hope to see you, in person, soon. I'm working on it. :)
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
Hi, Dawn.
I guess God wasn't ready for me yet. Just kidding. I know He has more for me to do for Him and for others (which blesses Him, too, for sure). Every day is precious and a blessing. Thanks for reading and replying. You know how I feel about you. :)
I guess God wasn't ready for me yet. Just kidding. I know He has more for me to do for Him and for others (which blesses Him, too, for sure). Every day is precious and a blessing. Thanks for reading and replying. You know how I feel about you. :)
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach