A nice surprise
I received a nice surprise in the mail yesterday -- a check for $550 from Northwest Anesthesia. I was self pay and wrote out my $900 check to NW Anesthesia. Earlier this year I was checking claims online in regards to something else and noticed that claims were made for surgery even though it was excluded. The claims were all denied, EXCEPT the anesthesia one which was paid in part. I laughed thinking that they thought I needed a good long nap -- they would pay for anesthesia and not surgery. I kept meaning to call and ask about it but life kept getting in the way. The check I received was for the amount the insurance had paid. How nice of NW Anesthesia to refund me as for all they knew I would have had no idea they had received it had I not had another issue come up! Self payers double check your claims because WW does file claims even if you are self pay!
A VERY nice suprise indeed! I am self pay also at WW, but I'll bet we have different insurance companies. Yet I still wonder if that might happen with me, and that would be AWESOME! I'm already getting denials from the other stuff they won't pay for and have to appeal many of them so that would be a nice icing-on-the-cake moment!
A little shopping might be in my future....!!!!
A little shopping might be in my future....!!!!