My first upset
So in the almost 2 months since my surgery I've breezed through, in my opinion. I haven't had any nauesa, or vomtting...a little constapation but that was fixed with a little added fiber and Colace, but of the foods i've tried they've all gone down nicely and I've even wondered if maybe my pouch was made of iron or something because nothing I put in it seemed to phase it.'s not...and it dosn't like bar B Q aparently... I was stuck for 2 solid hours last night! I finally vomitted and felt better but I thought I was going to die there for a little bit! I was absolutly no fun at all...but I'm kinda glad it happened, now I know that I do have limitations!
I know that was no fun for you but you've made it a long time without any issues. I think it's good to experience that at some point. I sure made a believer in me regarding the pace I eat, the bites I take and the amount of chewing I do. Any of those will get me at times. BBQ probably wasn't your issue unless it was fatty or the sauce really sweet. I'll bet it was one of those I mentioned. I still can get sick on certain things even at 14 months out now. I don't get too upset because it's usually always my fault and reminds me my pouch is in charge!!! I still have a lot of trouble eating groud beef....go figure!!! I will dump also on really sweet stuff (I just had to test the water on that one) and anything rich or with creams in my coffee. I'm always careful when I eat out especially with friends or my husband because I've ruined more than one evening because of my pouch!!! It knows what it likes!!! THE TOOL RULES!!! LOL
But just remember this...if it was bque it might have been how it was made and the sauce may have had to much ugar in it.
at 18 months I dump on full mil**** cream, yogurt, chinese foods, certain meats...
you were lucky just two hours! the other night I ate a baby ruth was sick for 5 hours
at 18 months I dump on full mil**** cream, yogurt, chinese foods, certain meats...
you were lucky just two hours! the other night I ate a baby ruth was sick for 5 hours
being healthy has its rewards....take the challenge and just do it