Cycle of Renewal
Hi, Everyone.
I've been taking more OH training...this time to become an OH-certified support group coach. I finished that yesterday, so I guess I should update my signature line. LOL
We talked about the Cycle of Renewal, and I thought it would be beneficial for all of us to look at the 4 phases, just briefly. Perhaps you will see yourself in one of the phases, especially in light of your weight-loss journey. These phases go with any life experience, though. :)
Phase 1: Go for it! This is the phase (in light of WLS) which is after surgery (w/ few complications, that is), where your body is releasing pounds like crazy, and you feel like a miracle! Enjoy this phase! :)
Phase 2: Stuck in the Doldrums. This is the phase where your weight loss is really slowing down. Perhaps you're in a stall. Life seems pretty predictable. You may even be getting bored with the diet and exercise. It's the "same ol' same ol' but you'd sure like something to change. You may feel burned out and ready for something new. Perhaps you're struggling with old habits--indulging a bit but hoping for a different outcome, rather than weight gain. You may even feel like a victim or at least sorry for yourself. The important thing is to recognize that you're merely in the doldrums. Focus on getting through it, rather than trying to get out of it. There IS a difference.
Phase 3: Cocooning. This is the phase where you begin to detach a bit, take an emotional time out. You become quite reflective or contemplative. You take a step back and take stock. It may even be a time for a bit of pruning in your life, in anticipation of new growth. You may be asking yourself, "Now what?" or "Is this all there is?" The important thing to do is to give yourself time. The important thing to know is that the next phase is just around the corner.
Phase 4: Getting ready for the next chapter! You will discover much about yourself in Phases 2 and 3. Put into practice that which you learned. Experiment with what you discovered. Set a goal and work toward it. Dream a dream, and take steps to make it come true.
As you can see, each phase is valuable. Some are much more pleasant than others, but each one is meant for your benefit. So often, we try to resist change, resist pain, resist growth, but, actually, resisting just gets us stuck. Recognize the phase you're in, work with it rather than against it, and look forward to the next phase. Life is a journey; don't miss the wonders of it.
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
Thanks again!
Hugs Mary