Don't know if you're before or after me on Wednesday, but I'm gonna be thinking about you and sending up prayers for you to have a successful surgery and speedy recovery.
We've got lots of support from those who have gone before us, and they will be lifing us up with their prayers and well wishes.
Good luck. See ya Wednesday.
First of all my dear friend, what you are experiencing is normal. It's all going to be okay. Since you have had your pre-op appointment you are well aware of any complications that can happen. I promise you that way more good outcomes come for WLS than bad ones. You just never know who bad things are going to happen to. There are no quarentees. I will tell you that I have seen very few complications and the few I have seen have been fixed.
Remember, you told me that you were not going to have any complications? Also reflect and remember why you have made this decision. Keep your eye on the prize and how much improvement that you are going to make in your life. Stay away from any negative post on the boards at least until after your surgery. Once again, it's all going to be okay. I am here for you. Together we will get you through this. Also, remember what you are feeling is normal. Call me if you need to. Keep yourself busy and I will be talking to you soon.
Love ya, Rita
Keep reminding yourself of the reasons why you're having this surgery, and between now and then, stay busy. Clean out a closet or something. Put happy music on, and think happy thoughts.
Praying for You,
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach