Please send encouragement to my lurker friend "s"
I am going to hijack too. OMG!!! I can't believe it's you. You look great! "S", congratulations on your new life. The first 2 weeks can be hard at times, but hang in there, you will do fine. My worse part was the real dreams I would have about eating like 5 plates of food at a buffet or something. I would wake up terrified, and then angry because I screwed up my surgery, and I was about to get beyond deathly ill from eating all the food. I had these dreams like 3 times. Each time it seemed so real. What a relief it was, though, when I finally realized it was only a dream. I also thought about going to Church's chicken and getting an order of chicken and chewing it, but then spitting it out. I know, gross! But survived the chicken craving and the dreams. Stop lurking and start posting. We are with you, Michael