how long did it take you to.....
Poo? I'm only 3 1/2 days out and today was the first time I passed gass besides belching....but I have yet to go number 2. I'm sorry that this is gross but I'm genuinely curious. I see my surgeon tomorrow for my first post-op appt. and I plan to ask him about it if I still don't see results but I just wanted to get the general idea here first.
You would post a question that I can You shouldnt worry about pasing gas as long as you dont feel any pressure. As for the potty part I would recommend benefiber asap.....Dr. Keith highly recommends that you dont let 3 days pass without calling his office if you are not going since you could get blocked up...if you are doing alot of protein you will have consitpation. AND SINCE YOU DO NOT want to strain start doing a stool softner and laxative( see above) cause straining can pop stitches and casue you to have a hernia