Food -A rant
on 3/23/09 10:12 am
I think I am even LESS tolerant of food police than I've ever been. When I was heavier, I took it as my "just desserts" or I could write if off as caring. On a good day I can still do that, but most days it annoys the absolute snot out of me. So much so that I get annoyed for being annoyed. Then I choke on the things I'd like to say.
My favorites I will now share with you, who will understand and forgive me.
----Really, I didn't know that!
---Who would have thought?
---Yes, I really DO want to eat this, and I'd really like to do it without discussing what I've eaten today or yesterday or my exercise plans for later because I want the cake, not your approval. (This is partially my fault I suppose, I used to tell people that I couldn't eat certain things that I really could, just didn't want to eat at the time....)
---Stop smoking/drinking (insert any other vice the offender has) and I'll stop eating altogether. Otherwise, shut up.
---Stop watching me eat. (I'm going on two years of having the lapband, and my plate is still the center of attention sometimes).
I don't mind it when people say, "You sure are looking good."
on 3/24/09 12:43 am
When I worked in Dallas, I did Medifast and lost a bunch (like 8o pounds) of weight. And the comments as I walked down the hall were relentless-it got so I didn't even really want to go to the bathroom because literally 3 people would have to say something about how I looked. Needless to say, the gain back was all the more awful because of it.
But, one day, a gentleman that I had known for many years came up and out of the blue said "I just want to know how much weight you've lost and what you weigh now" and I gasped and said "I don't want to tell you that!" and we both laughed, but I didn't tell him. Honestly, HOW RUDE. And both of us are of an age where women don't tell their weight or their age to anyone....
This time, I've always just told people how much I've lost, or maybe just how much I've lost recently. As I'm stabilizing out-I just say "oh, I haven't changed much at all lately" because having the neighbors (including my mother ) obsess over quarter pound increments is going to start up issues for me. I just say "I'm staying within my range".
Without pointing fingers or assigning blame, I know that I had help along the way with my obsession with the scale and numbers and weight, it wasn't something I just wanted to happen. When people really start pushing me now, I explain to them I used to be bulemic and I don't want to think that way any longer and that pretty much shuts them up. (But annoys me that I have to go that far to get them to be quiet).