just saying hello too all and update before i go hit the streets today. I ate breakfast with some friends and i ate....did you hear me I ATE. Ihad 3 cups of coffee before but I had an egg. Seriously a whole egg, now yes it came back out in about 20mins and hurt like hell. but those are little set backs .....i ate i was just happy and my friends looked at me like i was crazy i knew you guys would understand.
Each little step gets you a little closer to where you want to be~ don't let the setbacks get you down, girl. I had a lot of complications in the beginning, as well, and I've come a long ways from them with my eating now... I just know you will, too! *hugs*
~ Renae
~*Renae*~ Open RNY 8/3/04 ** (rockmyskinnyjeans on MFP)
Post-op Mommy x 2 (Krysten 12/1/05 & Tyson 10/3/08) 334/303/136/135
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