problems with my c-pap
Ok I got my c-pap last thursday morning and I slept with it on after a few hours I woke up and felt great. I slept with it on that night when I went to bed but when I woke up it was beside me in the bed. Than the next night my husband said when he came to bed I had it pulled off and on my forehead. than today when I went to sleep after work (i work graveyards) I put it on and it was on when I fell asleep but when I woke up several hours later (potty break) it was on the floor. I put it back on and I left it alone untill I got up th next time. The mask don't bother me but for some reason I keep pulling it off in my sleep any ideas how to top doing that. I don't mind wearing it I can roll around fine in bed and I sleep so much better and feel 100X's better. any ideas would be great.
I don't know how to keep mine on all night! I still throw it off from time to time....I do think that I start mine out at the slower rate and when it goes up to the setting I am supposed to be on, I throw it off. Some nights I do great, so that is just a theory, but it makes since to me....
It just takes along time to adjust to it....a vejrrrrrry long time!
Good luck
It just takes along time to adjust to it....a vejrrrrrry long time!
Good luck