Ok so I weighed....
Actually I have lost 79 since the surgery on Novemeber 10th, and 25 pounds for my required diet for Medicare. But as I worked hard for that first 25 I count them in my loss. 104 is a total from late August when I went to the first seminar. Medicare requires 20 pounds and twelve weeks but I will admit I splurged a bunch of times during losing that 25 on these I gotta have one last time deals, like my chinese buffet and such. You will be here with us soon and losing the weight as well. You also have to remember (since I am not sure where you are starting at) that the heavier you are to start the quicker the pounds add up most of the times I have seen.
DRUMMMMMMM ROLLLLLL it is girlfriend!!! You have done awesome and we're so proud of you. We have people bring kids to the group meeting occasionally. There is even a TV out in the lobby that they could watch. I don't know if they are old enough to do that but I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem. Come on and join us!!!