My new jeans
You all know those ones I was so proud of fitting into and didnt even mind if they were snug just a week and half ago maybe two weeks. Well they already are baggy in the deriere and can be pulled down by a good tug even while buttoned up. it is just so mind blowing. I will continue to wear them for awhile but i will have to be getting me a belt.
Thank You all I was so like wow. Mary, trust me I won't be letting most of them know they would do it gladly. Of course it would be in retailation for most of the younger ones for Aunt Sarah picking them up by their belt loops for sagging around me. How ironic I am now happy to tell people my pants sag.
I am so enjoying this ride, but dang I kinda liked thos pants sentimenal value on being teh first ones I fit into, OH well they will make someone else happy for awhile at a clothing exchange before too long. Thankfully I picke dthem up on clearance for next to nothing.
I am so enjoying this ride, but dang I kinda liked thos pants sentimenal value on being teh first ones I fit into, OH well they will make someone else happy for awhile at a clothing exchange before too long. Thankfully I picke dthem up on clearance for next to nothing.