Lord I am having a bad day
I am so sorry you feel bad and I hope you feel better soon!
on 2/4/09 10:45 am
Been there, done that-it truly sucks. One of the first things the band will teach you is it doesn't care about schedules or getting to work on time. Anytime I'm leaving the house before 10 am (for any appointment) I just plan on a liquid breakfast. I know I know, we are supposed to get our nutrition from solid food, but if I have to BE somewhere, even if I make time to sit down and chew and eat slowly, I get distracted and then I get stuck. Log in to the band board and 27 people will tell you that I'm not making time for myself, I DESERVE to sit and eat, and I agree, i do deserve, but reality is, if I have to be somewhere in the morning, I plan on a liquid breakfast. (I just repeated myself...LOL).
Now, pills, they are sneaky little farts at best. They FEEL like they've gone down, the way is clear for another, and yet they aren't. I try to spread them out over the course of the day-which was hard for me since I was a take a handful in the morning and go kind of girl. Never take a pill on an empty stomach. If it makes it through your stoma and hits an empty stomach, it may just try to come back up. Only, there won't be anything in there to pu**** up, so it just flops around while you drive heave and that bites. Or, you just get nauseous, and at least for me, once I have pill nausea, nothing fixes it but time.
Again, for me, solid food is only when I can sit and eat and chew. Eating on the run is not a part of my lifestyle any longer. If you are a committed to a solid breakfast, start the day with a liquid snack of some sort, then eat when you get to the office.