I just want to SCREAM....and its LONG
on 2/4/09 10:56 am
I didn't have any complications, and about 2 months out I got really and truly pissed. I mean, not just cranky, I would sit and just stare and be sooooooo angry-at what, I have no idea. I called it "Band Rage" and I've decided it was just a build up of not being able to eat my stress away.....so the stress just built and built and built. You have been through an awful lot in a very short time, and are not able to eat it away. So, while you are probably feeling hungry, you are also feeling frustrated at the whole mess and that is the source of your rage.
For immediate relief, yell into a pillow. It really does help. Then figure out other stress relievers besides eating. But don't expect your fickle brain to give up the idea that it wants to eat that easily-you'll think about it for awhile even while you ride your bike or whatever. But the endorphins will help, really they will.
I had wrote this very long reply back to you. Then I decided that it was not going to help you in the way I wanted.
So dear heart, I have went through 9 surgeries including my rny. I know that I had to go through that to be able to help people who are dealing with complications.
There is no support group to go that is just for folks like us..its not talked about alot...it is more like you dont tell cause we dont want the newbies the pre ops to be scared.
So I know PAIN I know what it is like to hurt laying down or siting up I know the damn feeling that you get when you tell your surgeon you are in pain and he says discomfort....
I know how much meds cost....try having to buy an expensive antibitoic for MRSA that for 7 pills is $1750.00. And after taking them once you are told you have to buy them again...THANK GOD for WAL-GREENS....I have spent this last year in meds for all my complications a total of over 9450.00. And none of that was covered by insurance.
My simple advice to you is this...go take a long hot shower, let the water wash away the anger you feel the negative that you have received from the docs....then get out put on your favorite outfit do your hair and makeup and instead of letting the pain, etc control you..you control the pain. Go for walks, do low carb slim fast for nutrition..and slowly nibble on foods that are easy on the tummy....
Hunger true hunger for an rnyer is not like it was before surgery. We show that we need food by dizzy spells, lightheadeness,headaches that wont go away, stomach growling etc is not a sign for us...cause nothing goes in it any more....
I do know your frustration..I chose to deal with all my complications by not letting it control me...I have been in recovery more than anything else and out of this I have learned so much about me...I am a stronger woman than ever before, I have no limits, and I am more bold and brassy than ever, plus I have one thing that has kept me going...knowing that this too shall end....this is just a small speck of time in your life...
and as the old folks would say plant a smile on your face, and joy in your heart for with those you will overcome...
if you need to talk....I am here....hugs, smiles and above of all wishes for your pain to go away...
I hope this time passes quickly for you and you feel better soon. At least you know you have lots of people who care and you aren't alone in this!
Venting on here is a good thing. It saves those around you! LOL!
Get up and feel better. *(the power of suggestion!) LOL!
Hugs to you
Kim J.
Hang in there and always feel free to vent. That's what we are here for and hopefully it will get better soon.