stumbled upon this website
I looked at some of the stuff and I am not sure can we eat that, I mean of course we can eat it but you know what I mean. I am a tad new to this so help me out it looks like the sodium and or the carbs on some of this stuff is high or so I thought. What do you normally consider too much for the carbs and stuff?
I looked at some of the stuff and I am not sure can we eat that, I mean of course we can eat it but you know what I mean. I am a tad new to this so help me out it looks like the sodium and or the carbs on some of this stuff is high or so I thought. What do you normally consider too much for the carbs and stuff?
I don't have any firm guidelines for this kinda stuff as long as I get in 60-70 grams of protein a day. But I don't count every single day. As long as I eat my protein first, I'm usually good to go. WeightWise doesn't really give you any hard and fast rules except protein first. (unless you are/were diabetic) so I can't really help you, I don't think.