My back Dr Appointment.
Thought I would share the results of my Dr.'s Appointment with those that didnt get to hear it Thursday night. The surgery I had Sept 30th, did fix the problem they went in to fix, BUT my problems are obvisouly deeper then what we all originally thought. I am in worst pain then before surgery. My original back injury was i***** and I have been in physical therapy 4 different times since then. I wasnt seeing a specialist all those years I was afraid of getting surgery on my back. Now I kinda wish I would have because my damage may be there the rest of my life and I may have to just live with the cronic pain. He wants to see me in 3 months, if I am not better then he said he wants to do a ct scan that I wont enjoy at all. He said it will be very uncomfortable but needs to be done, they will put a needle in my back. I am ok with that, he is worried that I have severe nerve damage. I did tell him however that I would go though the testing but unless he can give me some sort of guarantee that he can fix the pain I dont think at this point i want any more surgeries. I only did it this time to stay out of a wheel chair and I would do it again if it meant me walking but if its not a very high chance of fixing my pain I dont want to continue with the surgeries. There are people out there who suffer much worse, I will just get used to living without being able to work outside my home and be happy that I am not worse then I am. God tells us he only gives us what we can handle so I will learn to just handle, Our God is an awesome God and I know he will take care of me.
Well thats my little update, all prayers are very welcomed as always.
Love and hugs to all, thanks for being a wonderful family!