Hematoma help
Hi everyone! My name is Michelle and I just got released today from Bailey Medical Center in Owasso, Oklahoma following gastric bypass from Dr. Gorospe. Just this morning I developed a pretty bad hematoma around one of my incisions and I was wondering if this is normal or if anyone else has had this problem. Dr. Kirk said to monitor it and if it got too bad to let them know... What is too bad? It has grown to about 12 inches wide and about 6 inches tall and is all purple and very gross looking. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Thanks for all the advice, I called the office today and I have an appt. to see Dr. Gorospe tomorrow. The office said to put ice on it and that seems to be helping. It has pretty much stopped growing and I am feeling much better today. But it looks horrible, I hope they can do something to drain it or something. It is also a source of pain when I do my breathing exercises. I think the nurse may have caused it the morning I was released she was showing me how to do the bear hug technique when I cough and she put too much pressure on that one incision and it gave me a pretty sharp pain and about an hour after that I noticed the hematoma. It was small at first, about the size of a stick of gum. By the time I left the hospital it was the size of my hand and last night it had grown to 12 X 6. It has only gotten about 2 inches wider all day today so the ice is definitely helping. I will let you all know what the Dr. says tomorrow. Wish me luck!
I'm assuming you called your doctor again or went to the ER. Right? If so, please post an update when you can. If not, please go! Let's find out what's causing this.
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ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
OK, Dr. Gurospe didn't seem to be too worried. He took some blood and said as long as my blood count was OK then the hematoma would go away over time. He also recommended I put HEAT on it.... which I did today and it grew about another 6 inches. He said that the source of the blood will clot and over time my body will absorb the blood. I just hate it that my whole stomach is purple and looks awful. One good thing is that I got out of having to take the 10 days of shots in the stomach for the blood thinner! But I have to really be careful with blood clots in my legs, so lots of walking! He also told me to start taking iron to help make more blood to keep me from getting anemic from the hematoma. Thank you all for your care and concern, it is appreciated!