Enough, stop, whatever it takes
I'm requesting some assistance to have Sherry stop the emails. I've heard from the recipe forum that Sherry is sending emails to their members after a lady from another state asked why T closed his account. I'm begging to have someone ask her to stop. The emails that were forwarded to me are nothing but inflamatory. I have no idea why this must continue.
Please I can't believe that this has to go on when I'm trying to stay out of this forum for her sake and to restore peace. The last thing that I or T ever wanted was something like this to occur, but I don't have the means to stop her from continuing. T still refuses to respond so I can't understand what's keeping this going. The people from that other forum are fuming.
All I'm asking is someone to please intervene to calm her.
Well sister, i'm back I say if we need to drag one another through the mud to get it settled, then let's do it. I'm prepared to back my word up entirely. You're not going to ruin my good name by calling me anything other than correct. If if you want i'm completely prepared to go to war over it, but honestly you say you're the oldest and that you're bigger than all of this and such, but you can't seem to let it die, so call me a liar once more and hunny you'll know my wrds will have a sting you'll not soon forget. let me know if you want to get this over and done with. None of these people deserve this crap. i didn't want to get in this positionbut there are so many people in the middle of something that is just between you and I that I'd rather have our own post for all to see that I dont have to hide anywhere. I left to avoid the fight, I haven't been lurking or anything else, but enough people emailed me to give me the information that you keep spewing, that you demand my attention by insulting me. Congratulations you now have a monkey on your back.
Come back and contribute. What has been done is unfair. Don't let some know-it-all know-nothing run you off. Your long time contributions are a tribute to your character and we who care appreciate you. Besides, our doctors have told us what is healthy for us. We are doing as we are told to be well and healthy. The consequences of being obese far outweigh the consequences of a low-carb diet. Certain other parties need to understand that what works for one may not work for another and as long as we are working with our doctor, we will ultimately prevail. The offending party is NOT a doctor and HAS NOT gone to med school. The opinion has been noted and the attacks need to stop. Plain and simple.
No matter what you decide, T, I wish you well and hope you will continue to be a regular in our little world. You certainly make it better!
It's Thomas, and I'm not back to do anything more than to get this settled. Only a rare handful of people have my email address and have sent a ton of stuff to me.
First and foremost, thanks to all of you for the overwhelming love. I had no idea how many people I apparently impacted. i'm very humbled. I am most fortunate to have your love and support. I had no idea staying out of it would blow up like this.
On the flipside, I can't understand how in the world I've been called a liar by Sherry when I've lied to noone. I don't have a reason to lie. On top of that I left to avoid the drama, yet there's yet ANOTHER email saying that I've left to go hide because I lied.
Well sister, i'm back I say if we need to drag one another through the mud to get it settled, then let's do it. I'm prepared to back my word up entirely. You're not going to ruin my good name by calling me anything other than correct. If if you want i'm completely prepared to go to war over it, but honestly you say you're the oldest and that you're bigger than all of this and such, but you can't seem to let it die, so call me a liar once more and hunny you'll know my words will have a sting you'll not soon forget. let me know if you want to get this over and done with. None of these people deserve this crap. i didn't want to get in this position but there are so many people in the middle of something that is just between you and I that I'd rather have our own post for all to see that I dont have to hide anywhere. I left to avoid the fight, you bring me back by insulting me. I'm coming on strong like donkey kong, so if you feel the need to wreck, then let's wreck, if you want to recant your words in calling me a liar, then I'll be gracious enough to accept.... The choice is up to you. Congratulations you have a monkey on your back.