Our snow began this morning and continued throughout the day, although we ended up with around 2 inches. I love the first snowfall! It's beautiful, and I love how EVERY yard and house looks beautiful when it snows. The great equalizer! :) I did not venture forth, though. Putting a South Carolina girl in a car, driving on snowy roads that have not been sanded isn't such a good idea. :) I'm enjoying the warmth from our living room pellet stove. Not as good as a fireplace, but it will do. My grandson couldn't wait to get home from school, to play in the snow. He has spent 4 years in the Dominican Republic, so snow is truly fun for him. My elementary school teacher daughter is praying for a snow day tomorrow. Students would be shocked to know how many teachers actually want and like snow days. :)
Hope you get some pictures tomorrow.
Hope you get some pictures tomorrow.
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
Thought you'd like to hear about the real Ed the Cat - he was in a cat fight and got an absess. He had to go to the vet and get it drained. Anyway, his rump is shaved and he loves to do his business outside. Now that's it's cold, his business is taking shorter and shorter and he almost doesn't touch the ground. He has quite a comb over going. LOL donna
Thank goodness we didn't get snow! I hate cold weather, and as beautiful as the snow is, I don't like it either. I do love to see it, but in pictures is good for me! LOL I'm a wuss, I know. We don't get a lot here in SE Oklahoma, so of course we don't know how to drive in it. And since I drive to Texas to work that makes it difficult to get there and home sometimes. These Texas roads are all built on a slant, so that the water drains across them.....for some silly reason. It's ok when it's raining, but dang it, when it's raining and freezing, it's not good!
Here's to summer again!
Here's to summer again!