OT- Aloette
I've talked to you guys about thoes dark rings I get around my neck and under my arms from what I think is Metabolic syndrome. Well, I've finally found something that has helped TREMENDOUSLY! It's a Rejuvinating enzyme Peel from Aloette, it's all natural and actally helps to heal your skin. I've known about Aloette for years because my mom used to sell it back in the mid 80's but I've just recently rediscovered it here in Oklahoma and let me tell you guys I can't believe I've ever used anything else! I'm so excited about the results I've gotten that I've decided to start selling it also. They have the best skincare line that i've ever used, everything in 100% natural and hypoallergenic! Now i'm not telling you guys this because I want to sell you something, I'm telling you because I truely believe in this and I love you guys like family and I want to share my excitement! If anyone is intrested feel free to PM me and I'll tell you how you can get yourself some, if your not intrested then feel free to PM me just to chat Thanks for everything! Yall rock!