Mary, Jazzylady & Pattye - Thinking about you all
I think you for yout thoughts and prayers!
And you must have been the source of my desire to keep the halls hot from walking. I walked all the time and the funny part was there was a woman who had lapo gall bladder surgery 2 hours before me that refused to walk till Saturday...she only then started walking cause she heard the nurses talking about my walking th halls with my two huge incisions...
For me the walking made the time pass faster and helped so much in dealing with the pain...and when I felt tired I knew I had a reason to be so.
And you must have been the source of my desire to keep the halls hot from walking. I walked all the time and the funny part was there was a woman who had lapo gall bladder surgery 2 hours before me that refused to walk till Saturday...she only then started walking cause she heard the nurses talking about my walking th halls with my two huge incisions...
For me the walking made the time pass faster and helped so much in dealing with the pain...and when I felt tired I knew I had a reason to be so.
being healthy has its rewards....take the challenge and just do it