Thank you my OH family for your condolences and prayers.
Thank each and every one of you for your thoughts and prayers. They are very comforting. I am extremley happy that Mother has reached her eternal home. She fought a long and courageous battle and was very reluctant to give it up.She always said, "I'll be okay, I have to be because I have too much to live for." Her tranformation from life to death was amazing. My biggest fear was that she would pass alone. I can't tell you the number of times I have been called to her side in the last few months because it appeared to be her time. Each time she would beat the odds and pull through.
I find great comfort that God timed it for me to be there. I was the only one with her as she took her last breath, and thanks to WLS I was able to just lay right beside her and hold her like I have done many times these last few months. I painted her nails. When my daughter and sister arrived, we bathed her and spend hours with her. My father was also a resident at the same nursing home, and was sleeping at the time of her death, however he awoke and came into her room to check on her one hour after her passing.
I rode in the hearse with her to the funeral home and held her on her journey there. I can't tell you enough how beautiful she looks. She looks twenty years younger and at the age of 82 there are no wrinkles on her face. If I hadn't seen it for myself I would think that she had never been sick a day in her life. There is no pain in her body and she looks at peace at last.
Mother's name is LOVIE, and if you knew her you would agree with me that her name fits her so well. She lived a simple life and always gave of herself expecting nothing in return. Her family was her life. She never met a stranger and always had good to say about everyone.When she was able to she always told her heatlh care providers, "I love you"
Forgive me for the length of this post, but I just felt the need to share with you why my Mother was such a wonderful woman and why I felt the need to do everything that I could possibly do to make her as comfortable as I could. To me she was always an angel here on earth and now I have a precious guardian angel watching over me from above. I will feel her in every breeze that blows and in everything that is beautiful. Tomorrow, we will lay her to rest, but for today and the rest of my life she will forever be with me in my heart and in her spirit. I love you, Mom. Thank you, God for choosing me to be her daughter, and for all the years you gave us together. She will live though me and my children and grandchildren until we are together again. Please continue to pray for my Dad. His health is declining rapidly.They were married 62 years and everything will be complete when they are together again.
Lovie E. Phillips 01/12/1926-11/07/2008
We are truly blessed to have mothers who are so wonderful. I pray that you and your family will have peace and fond memories to remember.
God bless.
Absolutely beautiful tribute to your beloved mom. Joy and love show through her in her eyes and smile! Your words brought tears to my eyes! God bless you! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. You have been such an inspiration to me in weight loss and in life in general and I thank you so much for all that you have shared with all of us and for the things you and I have shared. Know that I will be thinking of you and your family tomorrow. I know it is a bittersweet day. You will be in my prayers! Thank you again! Love, Diana