I have my first 6 week appt with Dr. Walton tomorrow (Tues). Will be anxious to see my weight loss on his scale. My scale says 40 lbs from when I weighed on the Thursday when I got home after my surgery on a Monday. ANYWAY, Sherry, I have an old C-Pap machine I want to donate. I don't know what setting it is on, but I know it is fairly low compared to the new one I have. Don't have the hose or anything, but would like it to be put to good use instead of having it sit in a closet. Do you know that you can get masks, hoses, etc from cpapsupply.com without a prescription? I usually get my mask from there. If you can call me or something, we can make arrangements to get it to you. I could even leave it somewhere for you to pick up later if you need to -- whatever works best for you. My cell is 479-461-1164. Michael
I can come over to WW to meet you. KimJ has gotten some masks and hoses from a lady near her so we are getting set up. Let me know what time your App. is and I will be there to meet you.
Thank you so much for this. I am talking to my advocate today and will explain to her that we have some available for people who need them They will still have to have their sleep studies to get the ratings but at least if they have no insurance this will save them some money.
Michael thank you so much for doing this!!
I would say I'd stop by to get it when I go see my sister in Alma, but that could be a few weeks.
Ok so just let me know when you will be at WW.