Finally Home from the Hospital
Are you willing to do some positive confessing? If so, say this several times a day, out loud, "I'm grateful that I am healed." Couldn't hurt, right? :)
Please continue to keep us posted.
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
I hope this doesn't weird you out, but I feel this is the work of the enemy, who is totally ticked off that you have taken back the reins of your life. The Bible calls him a "thief, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy." As a believer, God "has put all things under your feet," and since Satan's a "thing," he is under your feet. You just give him a STOMP and tell him to get out of your body and out of your home, in Jesus' Name!
You are stronger than you think, my friend.
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
I have been having problems with pain in my left shoulder and continuous nausea since my surgery. It got pretty bad after about 4 weeks post-op and I had 3 CT's that would never show anything. I had to keep going to the ER (5 times total) to get fluids and I thought I was finally getting somewhere when during one of my ER visits about 6 weeks ago they finally discovered that I had developed a leak. I left the Wichita ER and went to OK (per doc's orders) and stayed at the Foundation hospital for 10 days and that is when they put me on TPN for nutrition and a drain tube to drain the abscess that had developed with the leak. I came home and spent about a week at home and went back down to have the drain tube moved up and two days later it fell out after I took a shower. Two days later I developed a major bacterial infection and I ended up in the ICU getting tons of antibiotics and had to have my PICC line removed and replaced a few days later. That is my last hospital stay which lasted 11 days. I have had 2 very nasty swallow tests and I still have a faint leak in my stomach so still no food or drink. I'm home now (homebound) with 24-hour TPN (nutrition) going in my PICC line and waiting for the darned leak to close. Once it closes I have to trek back to OK (somehow) and find out what the game plan is to start eating and drinking again. It has been a very long and rough road but unfortunately I am one of the few statistics who got complications. I think you will find that most people do not have the problems I've had. It is something I wish I would have thought about more though because now I have bills from OK that my insurance won't pay for and the surgeons here in town won't have anything to do with me (insurance would've paid them I think). So if there is anything to learn from me it would be to research what happens if you would happen to have any complications and hopefully your insurance is paying for your surgery. If not, you really need to think about what happens if you do run into any problems. But I'm going to believe that you will breeze through this and not have any problems at all!!