Update on kmccrary
Ok it seems like theres no winning for loosing here. I just talked to my mom and they cancelled doing the tube in her stomach because it was to close to her lung and spline. So Dr. B is going to open mom back up tomorrow and see if he can find any leaks or absesses. Then see what he can do to fix this problem. I will know more tomorrow after surgery.
I'm so sorry to hear this latest report. Your mom will be in my thoughts and prayers. Poor thing. We all know that we could be the one to have complications and we all worry about it. No surgery is without risk. I pray your mom is repaired and recovered soon and this is the end of her complications! God bless you!
Melissa~ I'll be praying for her and your whole family. I hope she gets better soon!
~*Renae*~ Open RNY 8/3/04 ** (rockmyskinnyjeans on MFP)
Post-op Mommy x 2 (Krysten 12/1/05 & Tyson 10/3/08) 334/303/136/135
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