Another surgery for me....oh my!
The bulge is from where the mesh has been rejected by my body and instead of my tissue and muscles growing into the me**** isnt. ANd the bulge is my innards ( intestines and bowel) sticking out. So on September 29,2008 I will have my fifth surgery since my gastric bypass. I do have a umbicial hernia which will also be repaired at the same time. For the first time since my GB I cried to be facing another surgery alone is just hard for me emotionally.. And to top it off my favorite Aunt died today so I am really having an emotional roller coaster....
being healthy has its rewards....take the challenge and just do it
I'm so sorry Pattye that you are going through all of this. My prayers are with you that all will go well. Do you think this is because of the WLS? I'm also sorry to hear about your Aunt. Please know that we're here for you!! I can't even imagine what emotional roller coaster you must be on right now.....
Sweetie this is not the first complication I have had from I have had a hernia and gall bladder removed back in March and now this....the one thing I have learned from this,,is to make sure you don't let life be taken for granted. Have fun enjoy the small things and always surprise the anthelogist by grabbing his tush after he gives you the happy meds..the look on his face is priceless
being healthy has its rewards....take the challenge and just do it