CPAP users--I need help

on 9/11/08 11:44 pm - Winfield, KS
Hi, CPAP users.
For the past 3 nights, I've tried to sleep with my CPAP. It's just not happening! I can't seem to fall asleep with it on. After hours (5, last night), I give up, take it off, and promptly fall asleep.
Now, I truly feel I'm fine with the nasal cradle I'm using. It doesn't make me feel anxious or anything. I've been using it during the day, when I read, so while it's not the best feeling, having the headgear on, it's not too bad.
With all that in mind, I cannot figure out why I'm not sleeping when I'm on the CPAP. Anyone out there have a similar experience, at first? If so, how long did it take for you to be able to sleep with it on? Is there anything else I can do, to help myself fall asleep? I cannot take sleeping pills, but I do take Melatonin, a natural sleep aide. I'm exhausted!
Thanks for any help or advice.
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"

     ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
on 9/12/08 12:12 am - Harrah, OK
Mary, I use a CPAP and have for almost 2 years.  I did fight it for about a month I think.  I would end up pulling it off in the middle of the night.  I made myself get use to it and it made a huge difference in my sleep and how I felt the next day after I was able to sleep with it on.  I think you just need to give it some time.  Maybe you'll be tired enough tonight you'll sleep...I hope!!!

This is the ride of my life.....what an amazing tool I now have!!!
on 9/12/08 12:44 am - Winfield, KS
A month! Oh, Lord, help me! I don't think I can go through this for a month. Dr. Walton says I must sleep with it for at least 2 weeks before the surgery, and, so far, I haven't slept with it at all. [Okay, deep breath, me. It will happen.]
I am pretty tired today, so I'll keep telling myself that I WILL sleep tonight. Thanks for your reply.
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"

     ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
on 9/12/08 12:56 am - Harrah, OK
Mary, even if you take a nap today...use the CPAP!  MAKE yourself use it anytime you're going to sleep.  I got to where I couldn't even nap without it.  It will make you feel so different once you do get use to it and can sleep with it!!

This is the ride of my life.....what an amazing tool I now have!!!
on 9/12/08 1:05 am - Winfield, KS
Yes, I've tried using it each time, for my afternoon rest time. I don't often sleep, but sometimes I do. I haven't been able to nod off then, yet, but I know when I do, it's going to be good, restful sleep. I'm looking forward to it. :)
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"

     ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
on 9/12/08 12:42 am - Edmond, OK
I wish I could help you but I didn't have this problem.  I'm sorry the dang thing is bothering you.  At some point, I would think you would get used to it.  Exhaustion will have to overtake you!  I wish I had some wise words but I don't.  Maybe somebody else will chime in there.

Wish I could help you and good luck!  Kim
on 9/12/08 12:47 am - Winfield, KS
Thanks, Kim. I think you're right, that exhaustion will overtake me, I'll sleep, and I'll feel wonderful the next day and all will be well. Just knowing you feel sorry that I'm going through this helps.
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"

     ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
on 9/12/08 3:11 am - Norman, OK
I had trouble at first.  Now I love it.  After a number of sleepless nights, I took a Benadryl before I went to bed.  I was out like a light, and it helped my allergies.  You might try that.  It's the cheaters way, but, hey, it worked for me!! 

on 9/12/08 3:43 am - Winfield, KS
Thanks for the Benadryl hint. I just might try it.
Praying for ,
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"

     ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
on 9/12/08 5:48 am - Midwest City, OK
 I've had one over 3 years and I tear it off after 4-6 hours.  My doctor says that's okay as long as I feel rested when I get up.  donna
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