Back in the Hospital
on 9/2/08 1:06 pm
LOL-I did my exercises after we were in a private room and it was just stretches and wall push ups....nothing really heavy or loud (I don't like to breathe too deeply in hospitals....bit of a phobe)....then I leaned back, put my feet up on the bed and racked out for a short snooze. Yes, it's true, I have no shame.
Now I'm going to try to catch a few real zzzzz's, it's been a long day. In between hospital visits I moved the dogs to a new room and built a couple of crates....and I have to add Moonie is probably the best puppy on the planet. I put him in a playpen while I assembled the crates-in the front yard (he hasn't been in the front yard a whole lot) and people were out and about and other dogs playing, and he laid quietly and chewed his little chew toy. Someone remind me of that about November when the teenage year****6 months to about 2 years is the worst age for any dog.....heaven help me.