My Daddy got married today at 66 years young!
And while I was at's a picture of my baby girl and I ...
What do you think of my new glasses?
I know you are all going to say my hair doesn't look that thin but it is still falling out and feels so thin. I hope and pray I don't go bald. I am going to go to my stylist and ask for advice on what to do with it. Maybe I'll shave it off!! JK
What do you think of my new glasses?
I know you are all going to say my hair doesn't look that thin but it is still falling out and feels so thin. I hope and pray I don't go bald. I am going to go to my stylist and ask for advice on what to do with it. Maybe I'll shave it off!! JK
I know you must be so happy for your Dad. Love is grand and at least now he isn't lonely and you don't have to worry about him being alone! Your oldest daughter looks like her Mama. Both girls are beautiful. I do love your new glasses. You're not alone in the hair loss category. I told my husband yesterday that I hoped I didn't have to go out and buy a wig. It's coming out with a vengance and so hard to fix. It's also gotten so dry and brittle which I've always had good hair. I sure hope the reversal starts real soon!!!
Thanks! I am so happy for Dad!
I used to use the large ponytail circle and only have to loop it I can loop it 3 times. I could never use a small ponytail circle before...but I can now. I know most people don't think my hair is thin but I am shocked at how thin it is compared to what I had before...and like's dry and lifeless. I take my vitamins and biotin....not helping. I think I am going to cut it short. I hope to grow some hair soon! I do see some baby hair coming in...and it looks a little curlier...hmmmm???
I used to use the large ponytail circle and only have to loop it I can loop it 3 times. I could never use a small ponytail circle before...but I can now. I know most people don't think my hair is thin but I am shocked at how thin it is compared to what I had before...and like's dry and lifeless. I take my vitamins and biotin....not helping. I think I am going to cut it short. I hope to grow some hair soon! I do see some baby hair coming in...and it looks a little curlier...hmmmm???
Your dad looks happy :) Your daughters are just beautiful and you look awesome and you can't tell your hair is doing anything wrong. I love the new glasses!
~*Renae*~ Open RNY 8/3/04 ** (rockmyskinnyjeans on MFP)
Post-op Mommy x 2 (Krysten 12/1/05 & Tyson 10/3/08) 334/303/136/135
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