Escaping the Oklahoma Heat ...

Shelly H.
on 8/30/08 4:11 am, edited 8/30/08 4:15 am - Norman, OK

Our black, long haired, mini dachshund (Strudel) went out with hubby to water horses on Thursday. The water troughs overflowed while we were busy. We turned around and Strudel was enjoying a cool Oklahoma mud bath. What a mess!

This is the *after rolling in the cool mud* picture and she knows she might be in a bit of trouble. We didn't yell at her ... she just knows she's pushed the limits a bit. She's a master at looking pitiful, remorseful, and innocent.


She's all black with some small tan points, so yes, that is all mud on her head and face... and everywhere else!

Strudel gave this bright idea to Bruce and Lily, too. Outdoor water hose baths for all the dogs followed ... which they didn't enjoy nearly as much. ; )

Maybe I should try a cool, Oklahoma red mud bath next time I'm outside and it's really hot. I think hubby might think I've totally gone over the edge. ; )

Blessings and Best Wishes! Shelly

I'm a 52.5 yr. old female with chronic illness ... exercising and riding a bike daily! : )

(deactivated member)
on 8/30/08 4:14 am
When I was a kid we used to give ourselves clay facials in my aunt's pond.  It was fun smearing all the clay on, then washing off.  Now we pay a 100 or so to go to a spa and have someone do it for us.......hmmmmmmmm, Strudel has the right idea I think.
Shelly H.
on 8/30/08 4:19 am - Norman, OK
I agree. Every day it is reaffirmed that our animals have higher individual IQ's than the humans that live out here combined. : )
Blessings and Best Wishes! Shelly

I'm a 52.5 yr. old female with chronic illness ... exercising and riding a bike daily! : )

(deactivated member)
on 8/30/08 4:22 am

Hmmmm, is that why I was out this morning loading up a truck load of food and treats from Petsmart while the kiddos stayed home in the A/C and chewed treats and ate peanuts?  Hmmmmmmmmmmm.


Shelly H.
on 8/30/08 4:23 am - Norman, OK
Exactly!!!! We are here to serve! : )
Blessings and Best Wishes! Shelly

I'm a 52.5 yr. old female with chronic illness ... exercising and riding a bike daily! : )

on 8/30/08 6:05 am - Oklahoma City, OK

What a cutie!!  Silly girl!


on 8/30/08 11:08 am - Midwest City, OK
Strudel is adorable!  She seems to be saying, 'But Mommy it seemed like such a good idea!'

Yes, girls, our pets have us trained just the way they like us!  I dutifully hit both Petsmart and Target to get the treats that my babies like.  Heaven forbid they run out of either one or that one store will carry both of them!
I have maintained for one year at this point.  I am steady at -120 pounds.  =)
40 pounds lost pre-op    
on 8/30/08 11:14 am - Midwest City, OK
 Strudel already looks younger and her pores have tightened up.  I love a good mud facial!!!donna
on 8/30/08 11:45 am - Wheatland, OK
This has brought back memories from when I owned horses....if the big dogs were running loose for awhile you could always find them in the horse troughs...I had a Standard bred  horse that if you spalshed him with a water hose and laid it down he would "bite" it and try to spalsh hubby didnt believe me till he got soaked. I learned never to leave the hose unattended.
being healthy has its rewards....take the challenge and just do it
Shelly H.
on 8/30/08 11:45 am - Norman, OK

Something just occurred to me! In my earlier life... I named pets after food!!! Good greif!

Strudel came with the prefix Delldach's and we got to add the rest of her registered name. I named her Delldach's *Blueberry Strudel*. We also had a cow that I named *Strawberry Shortcake*. I'm afraid to think any further....

Do you think I was food fixated? : 0

We also have a horse that has the registered name of EagleFlight Platinum Bay. His barn name (chosen by me) is *Redford*, as in Robert Redford. So, I did think about more than just food! : ) Hubby teases me about this one! But, he wouldn't let me call him by the barn name *StudMuffin*... which would have been after hubby. ; ) So, Redford was actually my 2nd choice.

Blessings and Best Wishes! Shelly

I'm a 52.5 yr. old female with chronic illness ... exercising and riding a bike daily! : )

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