Skinnies who don't understand

on 8/23/08 12:41 pm - Edmond, OK
Deb - I can always count on you! 
Wolf-N- Boots
on 8/22/08 5:16 pm, edited 8/22/08 5:16 pm - Tulsa, OK
This is what Dr. Kirk told me and I love to share it, especially with Skinnies....

A human body is a machine.  Just like machines, not all of them are alike.  Some machines are more efficient at doing certain tasks that other machines cannot do or maybe cannot do as well.  For some of us, our machine breaks down and does not process and break down fat and other things we eat as well as these "skinnies" or as he called them "the fine tuned machines".  So what do we need?  Well we need to fix our machine.  Thats where our doctors and the WLS comes in.  They fix us, tell us HOW they fixed us, then they hand us the toolbox we need too keep this new refined machine running well.

One last thing to say to Skinnies....."Yeah I am not perfect but at least I am taking steps to change my imperfections.  What have you done lately to fix yours?"  That shuts them up REAL FAST.
on 8/22/08 9:46 pm - Oklahoma City, OK
There will always be people out there who think we took "the easy way out" , but just remember like you said they have never been in our shoes , and i would like them to spend some time with me sweatin my ass off at the gym 7 days a week , trying to lose a pound , there is nothing easy about any of this , and i wouldnt worry about those who simply dont understand , i have one friend who was ugly to me when i told her last year , and the rest have been nothing but supporitve , if they didnt agree with me they have kept their mouths shut lol Just know in your heart you are making the best decision for YOUR life , and be proud that you have made it !!!
Glitter Text Generator "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, It's about learning to dance in the rain. "
on 8/23/08 12:21 am - mcalester, OK

Just Janice
on 8/23/08 12:39 am - Houston, TX
Siiiigh, I am so sorry you are coming up against this.  You are 100% right...some people DON'T understand.  They have never been there, never will.  We have issues with food.  Some call it an addiction, I call it a disease.  Unlike other things in our life, like smoking and alcohol, we just can't stop eating cold turkey.  We need food to live, there is NO cutting it out and avoiding it, so we have to "retrain" ourselves to eat in a way that we benefit from food instead of being it's prisoner.  Some tards lack the tact to restrain themselves from making stupid, idiotic, hurtful comments.  Some go behind our back and talk to others out of "concern" for our health, but in reality they are just degrading us.  There will always be someone thinner, prettier, smarter, etc, and even if someone is NOT, they may think  they are and tell us all about how things "should" be done.

My advice?  Ignore them for the smacktards and asshats they truly are.  Pat them on the shoulder, and say "Bless your heart..I never thought that I would EVER get to meet the model of perfection in MY lifetime.  Thank you for opening my eyes to the road of divine existence.  My world is SO much better having you cross my path"  Then....slap the crap outta them with a Twizzler (they ARE fat free, ya know)...just my opinion.
(deactivated member)
on 8/23/08 12:57 am

Once, at work, someone revealed to me that "all you have to do is just eat properly..." (it was during a training class) and I shouted "NO< really, I NEVER EVER THOUGHT OF THAT!"

(but she already didn't like me anyway so it was no big loss and it was probably the last time she was ever condescending to me in a group, so maybe it was a gain).

Just Janice
on 8/23/08 1:17 am - Houston, TX
Snickersnort..I used to get that, too...

One round of "..and all you need is a lobotomy to double your IQ", and it was never an issue with that same person again.
on 8/23/08 3:02 am - Reydon, OK
This sounds rude, but you could ask them, "Since when is my WLS your problem?"

on 8/23/08 3:17 am - KS
You guys are absolutly halarious!!  Bravo I have had to deal with the same old **** everyone else has and you just get to the point that if you are willing to take the HARD road to making you a better, healthier person than my hats up to those people.  It takes a real person to admitt when its time for a life change and you have made that decision so congradulations on taking the next steps to a happier, healthier YOU! That is awesome....Dont worry about the skinnys as everyone has so nicely put it they are the ones that are truley unhappy with themselves and so a lot of them take that out on someone else to make them feel better about themselves...That just shows all of us what we dont want to become!!  Am I right?


(deactivated member)
on 8/23/08 7:14 am - Tulsa, OK
One of my skinny friend's favorite sayings is, "Its a simple matter of calories in vs. calories out!" Luckily she's been very supportive of my surgery choice, much more so that I thought she would be. I haven't told many people of my choice to have WLS because I don't want to listen to their reactions. Up until a few days ago, only 3 people outside of my family even knew I was going to have it. Thanks ladies for the nice one-liners. They will come in handy when I need them. I usually just say something like, "You are so right! Why didn't I think of that?"

My most unsupportive comment actually came from my best friend, who is a big girl like me, when she said, "Can I hate you when your skinny?" I told her only if I can hate her while I'm going through all the crap to get there. I don't think she truly thought about how hard this surgery is. It is by no means the "easy" way out.

I have a question though... If its so hard for someone to loose 5-10 lbs, what makes them think its easy to lose 10 times that much weight?
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