One week and counting....YAY!!
Yes it is official one week from today I will FINALLY have my surgery!! The nerves are really kicking in now, and the thought of this 4 day liquid diet that I start Sunday is really making me nervous.
As I have mentioned I am a Manager for AT&T in a BIG call center with food everywhere. I have soooo much support at work and I know I will do fine, but it will be difficult. But before someone else says it..."what in life that's worth anything isn't difficult?" Yes, it will be worth it and I cannot wait finally say "I'M ON THE LOSERS BENCH".
I have received such amazing support from so many of you and for that I am grateful. I will have my EGD done tomorrow by Dr. Kirk and that's it for the testing...DONE! Any EXTRA suggestions for my liquids this week?? I was also just told yesterday that I can't use a this true? Also, the nurse at Bailey said some people cannot tolerate Sugar Free Popscicles, because of the Sugar Alcohol in them. You've got to be kidding...
I keep saying this but I look so forward to meeting you all someday, maybe soon. Luv you guyz ~
As for your questions, I'm not the brightest encyclopedia on the shelf, but I'll give my best to always try to guess correctly...
Suggestions.... use natural broth over the little package or buillion cubes... it will taste better. Stay away from red stuff.... they don't concider that to be 'clear". And if the nurse says something about not doing something, listen to them over any advice we can give you since I'm not really a doctor, but i play one on TV....hehehe
Please don't forget to try "alternative clear liquids" miso can buy it at most asian stores, look for the kikkoman brand stuff since it's very tasty and has high quality. Stay away from gravies....high ft, high carbs, and no/little nutritional value.
No added sugar juices and lots of jello can be your friends. Go to for other low carb/ bariatric food choices that won't kill your pocketbook. most of all, if hungry, drink more water, if you're still hungry, then you didn't drink enough...yep that's right...that's the advice that we got from Weightwise, so drink more than you normally would. And yes, no more straws for you....sometimes the straw can give you just enough air in your belly that it's gonna give you such a wild pain in your belly and it would be hard to burp it out, so heed that warning and know you could go back to the hospital just for sipping outta that little tube. Some docs are cool with it, but honestly, it won't make a difference.
A really big tip that seems to work for others almost as good as it has worked for me is after you're done with surgery, that images in your head of how much you miss all of those foods will be the hardest to kill. I killed mine after my first week.... I did it by surrounding myself with my favorite foods and realizing that others at the table would eat my favorite foods in front of me and that I would never be able to eat them again. "never "is a long time and never doesn't always mean you'll never eat your favorite foods, but cheating on this low/no carb method isn't ever gonna help you. i've heard of people eating pasta, tons of french fries and chocolate cake and chilli-dogs, so hey eating those a LONG way down the road will be a personal decision, but for most of us, we wanted this surgery enough to want to stand by the rules 99.5% of the time...
Big love and lots of support,
Please keep us posted on your progress. Remember that while there may be challenges or small bumps in the road, it is so worth it to have control of your life back!